Top ways to troubleshoot boot problems of blue screen system boot failure error.
Sometimes your computer fails to start
up when you need it most. It doesn’t boot, show blue screen “error
detected” or does not display anything on the monitor. This happens
usually when the PC remains uncleaned and out of service for a long
Do not panic!! If you have some basic
knowledge of how to assemble CPU hardware, you can get your PC working
like new in just minutes. Some of the top reasons for this and their
rectification are here :-
Hardware Problem:-
1. RAM – The most
probable cause for this is that the system RAM is not conducting. This
can happen if the RAM is misaligned due to jerks or there is dust
clotted around it. Take the RAM out and clean it’s contact edges with a
eraser. Also dust away the RAM socket in your motherboard. Dirt can
sometimes build up in ‘drifts’ around the memory sticks and the video,
sound or modem card slots. If possible use the compressed air to blow it
out, avoid to use the brush here. Place it again tightly and reboot.
2. Wiring - Due to wear
and tear of wires, it may happen that some of the wiring gets damaged.
Try changing the motherboard power supply and the hard drive wiring with
new one.
3. Power Supply – The SMPS might have been damaged or got it’s wiring broken. Try getting a new SMPS for your PC.
4. Processor - The CPU
brain may be getting over heated. This happens if the fan or the sink
has is not clean. Try getting it out and cleaning it of any dust or even
dog hair sticking to it.
5. Display Unit – If
your motherboard uses on board graphics, it may happen that it may have
blown off due overheating. Try getting a display card socketed in the
slot of your motherboard so that it bypasses the onboard version and
boots again.
Software Problem:-
1. Windows Corrupt – The
windows might have been corrupted due to virus infestation that causes
system to crash or stopping at the boot screen. Try repairing or
installing a fresh copy of genuine windows again.
2. Third Party Conflict –
Any third party software that you may have installed might be clashing
it’s settings with another system software. Try restoring windows back
using system restore option available in system tool to resolve this