The Android app is a star. It acts as your assistant, watching road as you drive and notifying during crucial events. It utilizes you devices rear camera and applies some complex visual algorithms to detect the car or truck in front of you and then requires some more calculations to get the distance between the two of you(distance is displayed as a measure of time like 1.4 secs apart). If it’s safe, a green path is shown, else yellow caution symbol or even a red alert sign is flashed on your Android.
Another great feature is it’s background run capability, that allows you to quickly hover through your emails or messages or turn on your music player while still getting alerts from iOnRoad.
One thing that adds the oomph to the app is socializing part that lets you unlock achievements while you drive. It’s meant to promote safer driving habits though. Also you can upload screen shots of some reckless driver passing you by or some strange graffiti on the backside of a truck directly to your facebook account. Cool!!!
It looks like you are in some kind of a video game like those Need For Speed series, with your virtual assistant watching your back, or in this case your front!!!
So, next time you slip your lipstick while driving and need to search for it while still driving(although i condemn this behavior) or need to text your boss, that you’ll be late, you know iOnRoad is your eyes on road.
There are two things as of now, that i think iOnRoad can add. One is the compatibility for other OS’s and second is a navigation system built in it so you don’t want to have an extra GPS device installed.
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